Un insecticide cité comme responsable de la microcéphalie foetale
Un groupe de chercheurs brésiliens s’interroge sur l’injection depuis 2014 d’un insecticide dans les réseaux hydriques publics et la flambée de cas de microcéphalies dans le Nordeste. Et si les microcéphalies du nouveau-né dans le Nordeste brésilien résultaient d’un vaste empoisonnement entamé il y a deux ans sous l’aval du ministère de la Santé brésilien et non du seul fait de la contamination par le Zika de la femme enceinte ? C’est la bombe qu’a jetée l’association brésilienne pour la santé collective, Abrasco (associação brasileira de saúde coletiva) composée de groupes de travail de techniciens, professionnels, universitaires de la médecine…
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Que disent ils des lâchers à grande échelle de moustiques transgéniques, dans cette même région en début 2014?
zika is fraud. 4000 cases of microcephaly this number reduced to 270 zika suspects and only 8 confirmed with zika with microcefaliar
cases of zika is the northeast region of Brazil. There decades in Africa and has no reporting microcefaliar in Africa. Olympics will be held in winter in Brazil and the mosquitoes not play.
Brazil has 205 million people on average have less 300 cases. US averages 25,000 per year. 86% of the cases concentrated northeastern Brazil and not in the whole Brazil which in northeast signal is concentrated where more cases of zika and microcefaliar in Brazil and which has more cases of anomaly where the transgenic mosquitoes were played.
« Workers Party » PT « which is the feminist movement and the government is interested in legalizing abortion in general Brazil ……. they will get in the coming months in the Supreme Court with federal safety mandate to legalize abortion by the Supreme because the national congress did not pass. the same government that prohibits cancer pill not expect anything else, since the voters of Rousseff believe that it is doing good from Brazil, but today dilma president can not even go out on the street who is booed its popularity is the Brazil’s history the worst.
The President of Brazil Dilma wants to use combat the mosquito that transmits dengue and zika etc …. to distract the people, because your government is in the news involved in several corruption scandals involving members of his party and allies arrested for corruption and the process impeachment in the coming months. use mosquito fight to distract the people, but many Brazilians have already agreed to it.
website 1
site 2 http://www.bbc.com/portuguese/noticias/2016/02/160201_zika_aborto_temporao_rs
site 3
of Rio Grande do Sul The government suspended on Saturday (13) the use of water for human consumption pyriproxyfen larvicide used to stop the development of mosquito larvae Aedes aegypti, the transmitter zika virus. The product is manufactured by Sumitomo Chemical.
colombia registers 2824 pregnant with zika and no cases of microcefaliar